Clubbing sounds like a pretty easy activity – you show up, dance, get drunk, find a taxi home. In reality there are right and wrong ways to go clubbing; ways that can get you thrown out or even potentially hurt.
We don’t want to see anything happen to you, so we’ve put together this guide. A means of keeping you safe and within guidelines of the club. Follow it, and you’ll surely enjoy your time in our beautiful city without a care in the world.
5. Drink Water
Really, this is one people forget often. While you are kicking back mojitos or whatever your drink of choice is, your body is dehydrating. While you’re out on the dance floor working your erratic moves, your body is dehydrating. You’re in the middle of the desert, so your body is pretty much dehydrating by default. Due to this string of things drying you up, it’s imperative that you mix in some water hero and there.
Not soda! Water. The last thing you want to do is be the poor sap that collapses on the dance floor.
4. Dress Code
Nightclubs typically have standard dress codes that they all follow – no jeans, sneakers, wife beaters. Really, nothing casual. Stick to blouses, dresses, skirts – anything you would wear for a business casual affair. Definitely no flip flops or slippers.
Regardless of what the movies may show, just being hot does not get you out of following basic rules. It would suck to have waited on line all this time just to be turned down for your dress.
3. Travel in a Group
We know that you will be partying amidst a large group of people, but it’s always best to have at least one person that is there to watch your back and keep you out of trouble. You never want to be in a situation where you’ve drank too much and have no one around to keep you from going home with random guy #17. Without a buffer friend available to you, who knows what trouble you could get into.
Of course, this person could also act as your designated driver. Just use someone that wont mind not drinking.
2. Don’t Drink What You Didn’t Watch Get Mixed
This may be new to some, but you should never accept a drink from a stranger unless you watched it being made. You don’t want any surprises in your drink, and you’d be a little frightened to find how easy it is to slip something in there.
Be sure to either get your own drink from the bar or follow the offering gent up to the tender. Tell him you like to make sure it’s not made too strong or something along those lines. Do what you must to keep yourself safe and away from any undesirable situations.
1. Practice Safe Everything
Growing up, you learned to follow safe practices throughout life – don’t get into vans with strangers; don’t stare into the sun; don’t mix pop rocks and Coca Cola. Now that you’re an adult, these safe practices get a little more severe and can do plenty to keep you healthy and in one piece.
When you’re clubbing, even if you follow all of the above rules to a “t”, there are still a few things to keep in the back of your head.
- Don’t Drink and Drive: Obvious, of course, but still one that many, many people ignore. We recommend you utilize our limousine service and go the safer route of having a ride pre-planned for you.
- Don’t Overdose: Alcohol poisoning is a very real thing, and it can do permanent damage is severe enough. Just keep tabs on how much you intake. Mix in some water or other non-alcoholic beverages throughout the night.
- Practice Safe Sex: We know, we know. A little fatherly of us, but when you’re in the mix with a variety of people, and you find that one random one to take home, you don’t know what their history is. Never take their word for it. Some guys would do or say anything to get to your holy grail.
If you’ve got these down, then we think you’re ready to hit those mean Vegas streets. Don’t forget – if you ever need that little extra someone looking over your shoulder, you can give us a call and book an entire bash for you and a few friends.
Call us today to plan your girl’s night out here in the great city of Vegas.
By “Mark LoProto“